Welcome on Ajax-Navigator !

In this website, you can test this jQuery plugin and see how does it work.


Welcome on Ajax-Navigator !

In this website, you can test this jQuery plugin and see how does it work.



Just use link on the top (Home, Example 1 and Example 2)

Simple use

First, add jQuery and the plugin in all pages of the site.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="path/to/ajax-navigator.js"></script>

Next, add this script just after including the plugin, and change #ajax-content by the selector of your container of the ajax navigation.

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            'page_container': '#ajax-content'

Use with callback

The plugin allow you to use a callback function, which will be launch after each ajax call.

The callback function give you access to the element which called the new page by using $(this).

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            'page_container': '#ajax-content'
        }, function() {
            // Do your stuff

Use options

You can custom some options of the plugin, like the container for the request.

page_container (default: '.container')
The selector of the content which gonna be load by ajax. This selector need to exist on all loaded pages.

fadeOut (default: true)
Choose to active or not a fadeOut effect on page change.

fadeOutDuration (default: 1000)
Set the duration in milliseconds of the fade out effect.

fadeIn (default: true)
Choose to active or not a fadeIn effect on page change.

fadeInDuration (default: 1000)
Set the duration in milliseconds of the fade in effect.